UCLA Center for Healthy Climate Solutions
Protecting health from the harmful effects of climate change
We work with communities to implement solutions that improve health and build resilience to climate change.
Every summer, heat waves send thousands of Californians to the hospital for heat-related health problems.
Explore the tool to find out how many additional people from your zip code or county go to a hospital emergency room during a heat wave.

Climate change is an escalating public health emergency.
We need to act quickly to protect individuals and communities, especially those most at risk.
The World Bank estimates that without climate-resilient development, climate change could force 100 million people into extreme poverty by 2030.
Source: Hallegatte et al., Shock Waves
In 2018, 220 million adults aged 65 and older were exposed to heatwaves globally, breaking the previous record of 209 million set in 2015.
Source: 2019 Lancet Countdown
Without air conditioning, each 1°F increase in school year temperature reduces the amount students learn that year by one percent.
Goodman et al., ”Heat and Learning”
Emissions from road transportation and power generation cause 200,000 early deaths in the U.S. each year.
Source: America’s Health Rankings
A study of just six climate change-related events that struck the United States between 2000 and 2009 accounted for more than $14 billion in lost lives and health care costs.
Source: Knowlton et al., Health Affairs
A 1.8° F increase in average temperatures is estimated to lead to 6.5 million more Americans experiencing mental health difficulties in any 30-day period.
Source: Obradovich et al., PNAS
There are already solutions that can make a difference for your community.